Monday, June 18, 2007

A Little Later Than Usual

Not only later in the day, but probably quite brief, considering the fact that there's so much to get to. The weekend was nice, to say the least. Friday was, in a word, surreal. The happenings of that night are not going to be shared on the internet, so if you wanna know, ask me. Saturday was cool. Got to catch the UFC Pay-Per-View at an establishment that won't be named because they don't need the free publicity. It had an early start time of 3pm, and that was good, since I had plans for the night. I think I'm going to go into some detail about the show tomorrow if I have time, but we'll see. Saturday night was spent at The Tower and Spitfire, respectively. I'd never been to either venue, so it was nice to try something new.

The Tower is one of those D.I.Y. places that can be good or bad. Good because of low cover charges and a more lax attitude overall. Bad because the crowd can run hot and cold, among other things. The Tower suggests a $5 "donation" for each show, and I had to run to the ATM before I got there since I didn't have any cash. So my ATM only gives me multiples of $20 so I had to give the person at the door a $20 bill. I thought I might catch shit for that, and I was right. They asked if I wanted change, and I said that I did. So they gave me my change, and after I got inside, I noticed that I only got $5 back. So I paid $15 for a $5 show. Now, under any other circumstance I would definitely complain, but the whole "donation" thing made me think twice. I didn't wanna cause a scene at a place I'd never been to (that's probably not raking in the dough as it is) over $10. I'm still kinda miffed at the whole thing, though. No pics of the show (The Ergs/Lemuria for those interested) but it was fun nonetheless.

The Spitfire was my kinda place: no cover at the door or on the jukebox! I figured they wouldn't play my selection since it was free but I heard it (Electric Frankenstein - Right On Target for those interested). Some ska-punk band played and they were decent, which made me remember how funny it was that The Ergs busted out Rancid's Time Bomb to close their set. It was a night of ska-punk foe sure! Kill The Hippies sounded good, considering I hadn't seen em since 2002 at the old Grog Shop with The Arrivals and Dillinger Four. It was nice to hang out in a new area (for me anyway) with some old friends. Good times.

Sunday I caught the TNA Pay-Per-View and I'll definitely have some thoughts on that one tomorrow. Much better than even I expected.

That's all for now. Tomorrow's post will most likely be more in-depth.

Until Then,

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