Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Goings On

More pics and words to look at/read about:

Here's what my Saturday night looked like in the hands of a more capable photographer:

I don't know who took it, but good job.

In other news, I read some pretty shitty news online earlier. Apparently Scott Steiner suffered an injury to his trachea. He will most likely be out for the planned matchup with Team 3-D at the next TNA Pay-Per-View. I was really looking forward to seeing two of the better tag teams of all time (The Steiner Brothers and The Dudley Boyz/Team 3-D) tear it up, but I guess it'll have to wait. Oh well, I guess sometimes

That tee's from Mishka's Summer 07 line. The back says Louder Than Fuck and I think that's a reference to a Soundgarden shirt from a while back. I also think I used to work with a guy that told a story about getting kicked out of Cedar Point for wearing said Soundgarden shirt, but I might have that confused with something else.

Also earlier today, I heard a tune from the forthcoming Spoon album Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga (I'm pretty sure I added the appropriate amount of Ga's). If I knew how to throw it on here, I would, but I don't. It's a real barnburner, though, and it's getting me super pumped for the album. The song's called The Underdog, so look out for it. I saw Spoon at a free show in Pittsburgh (a.k.a. Pissburgh) at Carnegie Mellon University a few short weeks ago, and they were as tight as ever. It seems as though they're only playing festivals through the summer, though. I'm kinda bummed about that since I wanted to hear the new material performed live. The recent show had a setlist full of classics. They probably played some new tuneage, but I haven't heard the album yet, so I wouldn't know. I'm gonna try and wait for the release date to hear it, too. I heard it's going to be packaged with an exclusive EP, ala Gimme Fiction (maybe my favorite album of 05), so it's more incentive to wait.

I couldn't wait to hear this one, though, and if you read yesterday's entry you'd already know:

Yes, the sophomore offering from by good (MySpace) buddies Chromeo is getting some heavy rotation on my end. And, yesterday I saw that they posted their tour dates for the Summer. Flosstradamus (another (MySpace) buddy of mine) gets the opening gig. It really, really stinks that they're not hitting Cleveland, BUT they are invading Buffalo on 07/13 and Chicago on 07/14. I wanna go to at least one of these, so who's in? Get at me if you're down. My next post will have more about the OTHER stuff going on in Chicago that weekend.

Until Then,

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