Friday, August 31, 2007

Sorry To Be Tardy To The Party

Sometimes I miss stuff. We all do. Don't sleep, so to speak. The point of this is that I am now a fan of Band of Horses. I avoided the hype last year, but finally got around to listening to the debut album, Everything All the Time, and I'm really impressed. I read somewhere that it can be described as a cross between the Flaming Lips and Neil Young, and I guess that could be apt. I'm not much of a Flaming Lips fan, though, and I can only handle Neil Young in small doses, but I listened to this Band of Horses album three times since yesterday. It's that good. They opened for Modest Mouse a few weeks back and I missed the show due to the fact that I thought tickets were too pricey and I already had plans to see The Rentals. I don't regret my decision, but if the shows were on separate days, and I knew then how great Band of Horses is, I most likely would've bitten the bullet and gone to both shows. Here's their video for The Funeral:

My favorite song on the album. The song and video are pretty depressing, though, but that's life. I vaguely remember catching this on MTV2's Subterranean at some point last year. Apparently it didn't wow me then as much as it does now. I hope to do a write-up on the Ayres/Catchdubs mix I alluded to in the last post some time in the near future. I enjoyed it, and I'd like to spread the word. Also, the next post will have another great video, from a group that couldn't be any more stylistically different than Band of Horses. So, be on the lookout for that.

Until Then,

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