Friday, August 24, 2007


So I picked the car up yesterday. Four hundred dollars later and my brakes are fixed. However, I still don't have a passenger mirror. Let's hope that doesn't set me back another couple hundred.

In other news, I finally saw the Simpsons Movie last night, since I got a free ticket in my specially marked package of the Season Nine DVD. I gotta say, it was fine. Not great by any stretch of the imagination, but perfectly serviceable. I kinda wanted to see a show at the Beachland Ballroom last night, but yesterday was my last chance to use my free ticket. And, a big F YOU goes to the Willoughby theatre that made me pay an extra quarter since the "free" ticket was only good for $8.50 and the price to get in was $8.75. I wonder if that means that this area has higher-than-average ticket prices, or maybe the people behind the Simpsons Movie were just cheapos.

The nonsensical title of this post is a reference to Riley Martin from the Howard Stern show. I recently started listening regularly for the first time since 1996. I'm back baby! In the future, these posts will probably be peppered with Stern quotes/moments/etc. I'd say that the Iron Sheik's appearances caused me to jump back on the wagon, so to speak. Him and some other regulars are gonna be at the Agora Theatre pretty soon, but ticket prices are too steep for me.

I'd love to stay and chat, as it were, but it's time to get ready for a long and eventful weekend. I'll go into more detail when there's more time.

Until Then,

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