Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A to the Z

So I have a minute here to update this thing (finally) before I get back to work in preparation for tomorrow's festivities. The Rock N Roll Hall of Fame is doing this Punk Rock Holocaust thing all day tomorrow, and it includes a set from the New Bomb Turks. In all the years they've been around, I never got to see em, so I'm pretty pumped.

There's a lot to talk about, but I'll just touch on a couple things and maybe do a bigger update soon. And, I gotta get back to work. The Rubber City Rebels/Nimrods show Saturday at the Lime Spider was rockin, although a little overpriced. It's too bad that it'll most likely be the last show I see there, since they're closing soon. I snapped a few pics, but haven't had time to post any yet. All in due time.

In other news, I caught the TNA Hard Justice (EASILY the gayest name for any major event ever) pay per view. The finish of the main event was awful, but overall I'd say the show was worth seeing. I read some stuff on the internet that the show was so bad that it effectively killed the company, but I don't believe it. Some people are just drama queens, I guess.

And, I just got done watching this wonderful piece of film as I worked (the entire advertised video, not just the trailer):

Sometimes these shoot interviews can be a little TOO real. Let's hope this tape stays out of the hands of children. Oh, and the Rentals on Thursday. Let's have fun.

Until Then,

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